Safe food starts here.

Dedicated to making the food supply chain safer by promoting food safety best practices and rewarding those devoted to food safety.

Who We Are

Show Me Food Safety is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the food supply chain safer by promoting food safety best practices and rewarding those devoted to food safety.

So Many Reasons to Show Food Safety

  • Stop foodborne illnesses

    Stop foodborne illnesses

  • Prevent recalls

    Prevent recalls

  • Increase consumer confidence

    Increase consumer confidence

  • Help those who help the safety of the food supply

    Help those who help the safety of the food supply

  • Empower small suppliers and family owned businesses

    Empower small suppliers and family owned businesses

Did you know…

The CDC estimates that 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year just in the United States.

Your money at work.

90% of our donations currently go straight into our programs with the remaining 10% used to operate our organization.